How much do we believe in Pro Tackle?
We've been fishing with Pro Tackle for nearly 10 years; both on family outings and in professional tournaments. When the opportunity presented itself…we bought the company.
Pro Tackle is all handmade in South Dakota. We offer an assortment of tackle for all fishing needs. We use only quality line and components that must meet our high standards. The best hooks are all we use; so you can get your catch in the boat. Our leaders come out of the package virtually tangle free. The leaders are tied in Aberdeen, SD, where Roy and Beth have been at it for 7 years. Bottom bouncers made by Pro Tackle use a heavier wire to keep your bait in the target zone.
We excel in customer service and pride ourselves in being available for our customers.
If you find yourself in Selby, SD, please give us a call or stop by. We'd love to meet you and show you around.
Remember…quality tackle catches more fish!